(1) The hostellers are responsible to maintain all furniture, electrical fittings etc. in their respective rooms and hostel.
(2) All lights and fans are to be switched off when not in use.
(3) Pin drop silence is to be maintained in the hostel after 8-00 p.m.
(4) Whenever students leave and return to the hostel, it should be noted in the movement register. Institute issues out pass slip to the girl students while going to their homes.
(5) Principal reserves the rights and authority to expel a hosteller at any time from the hostel with or without assigning any reasons. Principal/Incharge is authorised to add or alter to alter any rule at any time.
(6) Hostellers are not permitted to go for pictures or movies, for evening walk to park in groups, without the permission of the Principal/Hostel warden/Authorised person.
(7) Guests / Parents are not allowed to stay in the hostel.
(8) Use of Alcohol or any intoxicants or Narcotic or smoking are not allowed in the Hostel and in the institute premises. The admission will be cancelled if found using the said substances.
(9) Hostellers are advised not to keep money or valuables in hostel.
(10) To avoid extra electric connection, fan, tube, bulb when fused and any fault are to be replaced by the inmates themselves.
(11) Hostellers are not allowed to go to temples, churches or mosques without the permission of Incharge. If they permitted to go they are to sign the attendance register or movement register.
(12) Students are not expected to use Tape Recorder, Radios or any other musical instrument inside the hostel. Parents are requested not to send the above items with the students.
(13) Hostellers are allowed to go to the market once in a week.
(14) The hostellers are not allowed to go out after 7.00 pm and to meet Guests/ friends/ Relatives/ Colleagues or any person in the hostel room. Guests/friends/ relatives etc. will have to report in the office for meeting with candidate/student. (Only in college time).
(15) Accomodation in the Hostel will be available on “First come First served Basis.”
“Our students Success is Our Reward”