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Introduction :
Guru Nanak Institute of Medical Technology was established in 1991. Guru Nanak Institute of Medical technology is dedicated to promote and develop the Para Medical Education to deserving students, unable to get admission in Govt. Medical College, in Para Medical and other courses and help the weaker sections of the society to avail the medical aid at their door steps, and it’s cheapest mode of activities are particularly well known in the field of Para Medical Education. The students shall be imparted community health training in both, rural and urban areas and this institution is rendering useful Medical aid to the suffering humanity and has earned a good reputation and respect of the people.
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Guru Nanak Institute of Medical Technology (GNIMT), Patiala started a training programme which is job and career oriented. The institute has well equipped laboratories with latest equipments, with enough facilities for clinical and experimental material. The teaching staff is qualified and give a good exposure to the theoretical as well as practical aspect of the training. The training programme basically aims at developing the technical personnel who can work with full technical independence.
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Punjab de No.1 Awardee:-
This year Guru Nanak Institute has become the “Punjab de no.1 awardee” in a contest organized by Dainik Jagran (Newspaper Group) and Godrej No.1 team to select the best in the categories of Educational Institutes who were doing social service directly or indirectly in Patiala.
In this contest, large numbers of forms were filled to participate but a few institutes were selected by the team of honourable judges S.R.Sharma, Gurinder Dimpti & Dr. Balbir in the Gymkhana Club after a great effort.
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Guru Nanak Institute is proud to have students who are self employed and are also creating jobs for other people in the society. Here are few of our students who have done us proud.
GNIMT wishes all these students all the best for future.
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Government of India
Ministry of Education
New Delhi 110 002 Dated the 30th May 1964
No. S.O.(No. F. 19-49/61-H.1) in excrcise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha Act, 1964 (Act. 14 of 1964) the Central Government hereby appoints on the 1st day of June 1964, as the date on which the said Act shall come into force.
Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha
(Central Act. 14 of 1964)
An institution of National Importance
Whereas the object of the institution known as the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha is such as to make it an institution of National importance. It is hereby declared that the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha is an institution of National Importance
No.”Notwithstanding anything contained in the University Grants Commission Act 1956,o r in any other law for time being in force, the Sabha may hold such examinations and grant such degrees, diplomas and certificate for proficiency in Hindi or in the teaching of Hindi as may be determined by the Sabha from time to time
(Section 4 of the Act)
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