Dear Students,
All the students of 2nd year session 2017-2019 of OT, DMLT, X-Ray, Ophthalmic and DPT are requested to attend doubt clear classes which are stared from 8th April 2019. At 10am on wards.
Note- please clear your pending dues, it’s urgent.

Dear Students,
All the students of IInd year are informed that the result of half yearly examination December 2018 has been published on our website i.e. www.gurunanakinstitute.com
Visit the website and click on the result button, after that fill your information like your class roll number, DOB and select your course, then click on the show result to check the half yearly examination result.
2017-2019/D-001 for Dmlt
2017-2019/O-001 for OT
2017-2019/X-001 for X-Ray
2017-2019/Oph-001 for Ophthalmic
2017-2019/DPT-001 for DPT
Select your course
First Year Date Sheet December 2018
2nd Year Date Sheet 2018
DPT 1st & 2nd Year Date Sheet

All the supplementary student’s of GNIMT Ist year & IInd Year DMLT, OT, X-Ray, Ophthalmic, DPT & CT Scan are hereby informed that the result of their supplementary exams held in Sept. 2018 has been declared. You can check your result online on ipmt.in website.
If any students want to rechecking their papers then please inform in GNIMT office by or before 13th of OCT. 2018

Session 2018-2020
Dear Students,
We are pleased to inform that the classes of newly admitted students of 1st year will start from wednesday, 1st of August 2018
Thanks & Regards
GNIMT Patiala

Session 2017-2019
All the students of 2nd year are hereby informed that their classes will start from Monday, 30th of July 2018.
Thanks & Regards
GNIMT Patiala
All the students of GNIMT are directed to collect the No Dues Slip from the institute and Examination Roll no. Slip will also be issued after clearing all the dues on the date mentioned against the class as:
1st year 16, 17, 18 April,2018
2nd year 19, 20, 21 April,2018
Final Exams will be started from 30th of April,2018
Dear students,
It is to inform to all the students of 2nd year of OT, DMLT, X-Ray, Ophthalmic Asstt. & DPT session 2016-2018 that your classes have been started from 9th of April ,2018. Timings will be 9:30 onwards. Kindly attend the classes.
Dear students,
It is to inform to all the students of GNIMT that Date sheet for Final exam April/May 2018 will be put on the notice board on 6th of April,2018.
Roll no. Will be given after clearing all types of dues by or before 15th of April 2018.
Admission are open for the new session . We have been starting our new session 2017-2019. The Classes will be starting shortly and students will be informoed accordingly.
All the students of second year session 2016-2018 of DMLT, OT, Ophth. Asstt. , X-Ray & DPT are informed to note that their admission fee installment of Rs. 9000/- Should be submitted by or before 10th of June 2017.
Admissions are on in all the Paramedical Courses like D.M.L.T., O.T., Oph. Asstt., X-Ray , D.P.T. (physiotherapy) CT Scan , MRI & Cath Lab in Guru Nanak Institute of Medical Technology, Patiala. Seats are limited.
Notice Only for Supplementary Exam 2018
Dear students,Please fill up your Supplementary Examination Form at GNIMT Office,Patiala. Submit the same form without any late fee fine by or before 25 July 2018. After that fine will be charge according to IPMT New Delhi